Introduction to Game Design (Winter 2021/22)


This course is primarily focused on the basics of game design and secondarily we will discuss recent developments in the video game market in relation to game design.


Follow the appropriate channel at Gamedev Discord!

or contact me via email


Lectures: Fridays, 10:40, S9(we start 8.10.2020)

Labs: Fridays, 11:30, S9 (we start 8.10.2020)

All the lectures and labs will happen physically. However, most of the lectures (if possible) will be streamed. I will send you appropriate links through email.



To be able to attend the exam, you have to have at least 60 points from the assignments and the attendance.

Then, you can get 40 points for the exam.

Grade A 91 – 100 points
Grade B 81 – 90 points
Grade C 71 – 80 points

1) 9 small assignments, each for 3 points
2) 2 large assignments, each for 15 points
3) 11 lesson participation, each for 1 point (based on our collaborative doc)


Oral exam for 25 minutes. I will ask you about three concepts from the lectures and labs and we will talk about them + additional related questions. They will be selected from the summaries I send you after each lesson and from the tasks.

Lectures + Labs

Lectures are happening physically. During the lecture, we will usually also do some quick collaboration in the shared documents or I will send you some materials, so be ready for that (device-wise).

Ask your questions during the lecture or anytime on our Discord channel.

After each lecture, I will send you a quick summary.

Disclaimer: The following schedule is preliminary, it might change depending on our guest lecturers, Covid situation etc.

Lectures Schedule

No. Date Topic
1. 8.10.2021 Who is a game designer

+ Playcentric paradigm

2. 15.10.2021 Games as experience

+ Formal Aspects of Games

3. 22.10.2021 Playtesting + Games of emergence & progression + GDD
4. 29.10.2021 Concept of Flow + dramatic elements in video games + introduction to narrative games
5. 5.11.2021 Interactive storytelling (guest lecture)
 6. 19.11.2021 Charles Engine FMV (guest lecture)

+ second large assignment

7. 26.11.2021 Story Worlds
8. 22.11. – 9.12. 2021 Consultation weeks (individual online consultations)
9. 10.12.2021 Cursed game design problems + History of video games (focus on game design)
10. 17.12.2021 Curent trends on video game market + multiplatform development + playtests
11. 7.1.2021 Data-Driven Game design
12 ??? Level Design


The practical part of your labs are assignments for each lecture.

You are expected to deliver assignments on time to get the expected amount of points.  Requirements and specification for all assignments will be send to you after each lecture with deadlines.

List of the announced Assignments

Assignment 1 – Game Walkthrough comparison with a friend

