Practical Course on Managed Game Development (Winter 2022/23)


This course is oriented at practical game development in Unity. The course is taught at MFF UK as NCGD008.


Follow the appropriate channel at Gamedev Discord!


Labs: Thursdays, 17:20, SW2 (we start 6.10.2021)

Course Requirements

You are expected to deliver a Unity game playable on Windows and Android. More info can be found HERE.


You can watch recording from previous year.

Labs Schedule

No. Date Topic Content Slides/Videos
1. 6.10.2022 Introduction Unity Basics, GameObject, Monobehaviour, Prefabs, ScriptableObjects PDF
2. 13.10.2022 Input, Camera and Sprites Handling Input, Minimap task, Terrain, Camera, 2D setup, Sprites, Tilemaps PDF
3. 20.10.2022 UI – Part 1 Unity UI, IMGUI PDF
4. 27.10.2022 Project management (Guest lecture) Git in general, Git in Unity, Task management PPTX
5. 3.11.2022 UI – Part 2 Unity UI, Incremental Clicker, UI Toolkit PDF
6. 10.11.2022 Tweening DOTween plugin for tweening, Animation Curves PDF
7. 17.11.2022 Cancelled
8. 24.11.2022 Prototyping (Guest lecture) Prototyping process, Figma, Asset Store packages, Polishing
9. 1.12.2022 Animation and Physics Spritesheet animation,, RigidBodies, Colliders, Raycasting PDF
10. 8.12.2022 Animation and Physics 2 + Editor extensions 3D animation + Editor extensions basics PDF, PDF
11. 15.12.2022 Editor extensions 2 Custom PropertyDrawers, Inspectors, Windows PDF, Script
12. 22.12.2022 Rendering Rendering Pipelines overview, shaders overview PDF
13. 5.1.2023 Miscellaneous topics Asset Bundles, Addressables, Android development, … PDF
14. BONUS Navigation/Performance Meshes, NavMesh, Pathfinding, Profiler, Job System, DOTS, ECS, Burst PDF, PDF, Unity

