Game Arts @ Pilsen

To study animation and game art, you will be welcome to be part of the Studio of Animation and Interactive Art (Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art – University of West Bohemia in Pilsen – Czech Republic).

The study covers traditional and computer 2D and 3D animation technologies for film, TV, web and other audiovisual formats and also interactive projects (e.g. animated e-books, web, simple applications) based on basic programming. We focus on whole process from script, storyboard and visual development through animation techniques to editing and postproduction. At the second part of 3-year bachelor degree you will study basics of history of games, game design, technologies and production and you will create a small game in a team of students. Subsequent 3-year master degree is more focused on individual projects, where you can devote yourself for example to your own films or games. Since 2015, each winter semester we cooperate with the course Game Development held by Faculty of Mathematics and Physics (Charles University in Prague – Czech Republic).

Student works:



Studio of Animation and Interactive Art

Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art
University of West Bohemia in Pilsen
Czech Republic

Head of the studio: prof. ak. mal. Jiří Barta
Assistant: MgA. Vojtěch Domlátil
Game specialist: Mgr. Martin Vaňo