Ludum Dare is a competition in development of games, especially computer ones. Season veterans, juniors even people with no prior experince but eager to make games can sign up and compete for honor and fun. However, the competition is not important, what is important is the fact that Ludum Dare brings together many people of various skills at the same time; an opportunity to meet new friends, acquire new skills, try out new ideas, be creative. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned game developer, Ludum Dare is for you. Details are available at the competition website Ludum Dare and Ludum Dare 44 post specifically. Rules as summarized here Ludum Dare Rules.
As we (MFF UK) have a course on Practical Game Development, we are organizing at least one real game jam site every semester. So now, it’s Ludum Dare 44!
Our site is opened for everybody! Everyone who is interested in game development can come and join a group of people of a good-ol’-game-makers that will fight through the 48 hours to create a fun game. You can create a game alone or in a team. You can come with a team already formed or find teammates at the site!
Note that Ludum Dare is not limited to computer games, you can design board games as well!
27.-30.4.2019 (Friday – Sunday)
Profesní dům, Malostranské náměstí 2/25, Praha 2 The site opens on Friday 26.11.2018 at 04:00 PM (GMT+2 == UCT+2 == CEST). The site closes on Sunday 28.4.2019 at 8:00 PM. |
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The jam site is opened for everybody and is completely free! Everyone who is interested in game development can come and join a group of people of a good-ol’-game-makers that will fight through the 48 hours to create a game. You can create a game alone or in a team. You can come with a team already formed or find teammates at the site!
If you want to sign up, please book a ticket. Tickets are completely free, it is just a way for us to track who is coming to the jam. The site can back up to 40 people, so the number of tickets is limited!
We have a Facebook event opened, let people know your coming, invite your friends! If you’re a Twitter fan, please retweet!
We are seasoned organizers, we already run sites for LD32, LD34, LD35, LD37, LD38, LD40, LD41, GDS Jam 2018 in the past.
LD44 Theme: Life is Currency
Coin War – Jan Joneš, Martin Vejbora, Tomáš Jakubec
Cowry – Jozef Lelič, Michal Ďurovec
I D E N T I F T Y – Andrea Hubertová, Lída Hrnčířová
Phantom of the Malá Strana – Karel Vlachovský, Cyril Chudáček, Stanislav Šindler, Vojtěch Milota
Piggy the Bank – Regina Urazajeva, Tomáš Helmich, Merve Tuncel, Jiří Houžvička
Polar Delivery – Martin Vlach
Rent is Life [CZE only] – Tom Barsweik, Viktorie Rystonová, František Bayer
Precious is life – Yulia Malkova, Helena Kalaninova, Jan Kocur, Denis Judin
Selloutpunk – Jakub Eremiáš, Jan Holan, Mikuláš Hrdlička, Sterling Tuttle
The theme for the game jam will be announced 27.4.2019 03:00 AM so you might be wondering what will be happening on 26.4., right?
We are preparing a Unity/GameJam CrashCourse for all jammers where you can learn very basics of game development with Unity and setup your project in advance!
And we will have HTC Vive installed there accessible for free 😉 … Beat Saber and Super Hot available!
The site is available till 28.4.2019 06:00 PM.
There will also be an on-site play-testing sessions organized during the weekend!
We will be entering and leaving the building using the main entrance. You can find it inside the passage at the left side of the building (the same passage you would use to enter the restaurant Profesní dům). Again, call the organizers at +420 776 323 819 if you have troubles entering the site.
We will have both Wi-Fi and Wired internet connection prepared (yeah, good ol’ switches all around the place) as well as a kettle, microwave, toaster, induction heater, shower, cups, glasses, cutlery.
We provide free refreshments! Yourself-cooked meals (pasta, Sat and Sun only), pop-corn, toasts (salami / cheese), fruits, vegetables, coffee, tea, still and sparkling water.
You can sleep over at the site (there is also a shower free of charge in the building). We have 28 floating mattresses to lend (book appropriate ticket). Just be sure to bring your own blanket / sleeping bag. In case all the mattresses are booked, you can bring your own, the floor capacity is rather large 😉
Of course, bring anything you may need for game development (laptop, gamepads, joysticks, cell phones, pencils, papers, scissors, etc.) and also something to eat and drink!
The Compo (solo) deadline is 29.4.2019 03:00 AM while The Jam (teams) deadline is 30.4.2019 03:00 AM. We kindly ask all teams to secure another place for Monday and Tuesday if you wish to continue working on your game after the site closes.
All times are local time == GMT+2 == UCT+2 == CEST (Czech Republic).
26.4.2019 (Fri) |
27.4.2019 (Sat) |
28.4.2019 (Sun) |
29.4.2019 (Mon) |
30.4.2019 (Tue) |
Site opens 04:00 PM | Site opened whole day | Site opened till 10:00 PM | Site closed | Site closed |
04:00 PM – Site opened 04:00 PM – 04:30 PM – People coming in 05:00 PM – 06:00 PM – Workshop: Ideation Board Game 06:00 PM – 06:30 PM – Tutorial: Adventure Plugin in UE4 06:30 PM – 07:00 PM – Tutorial: Charles Engine: Tool for Narrative Games in Unity 08:00 PM – 00:00 AM – Free program – Setting up project templates, repos – Playing board games – Having fun with HTC Vive – Svoboda 1945 game preview – Jam games from GDS2018 |
00:00 AM – 03:00 AM – Warmup 03:00 AM – LD44 Theme Announced 03:00 AM – 06:00 PM – Coding 06:00 PM – 07:00 PM – We encourage you to play test other people prototypes 07:00 PM – 12:00 AM – Coding |
00:00 AM – 06:00 PM – Coding 06:00 PM – 07:00 PM – Game Presentations 07:00 PM – 08:00 PM – site is closing |
02:00 AM – 03:00 AM – The Compo (solo) finishing 03:00 AM – The Compo (solo) submission |
02:00 AM – 03:00 AM – The Jam (teams) finishing 03:00 AM – 04:00 AM – The Jam (teams) submission 04:00 AM – Ludum Dare 44 ends |